Apr 26 Child Abuse Prevention Month
(April 26, 2024)
April is national Child Abuse Prevention Month. Thousands of cases of child abuse and neglect are reported in our community each year. In 2022, there were 2,790 reports of child abuse in Allegheny County. Out of those reports, 226 were “substantiated” or had ample evidence that child abuse had indeed occurred. One case of substantiated child abuse is too many! Child abuse is preventable which is one reason why Child Abuse Prevention/Awareness month is vital.
Too often, intervention occurs only after abuse is reported. Greater investments are needed in programs that have been proven to stop the abuse before it occurs such as family therapy and evidence-based home visiting. Learning effective strategies to navigate parenthood helps empower caregivers in their parenting journey, helps them grow in the bond with their child, and effectively reduces the risk that their child will experience abuse or neglect. For many families, slipping further and further into poverty causes great stress and can be a precursor to abuse and neglect. Families should also be encouraged to call the United Way’s 211 for assistance to address basic needs.
Programs offered throughout the community that support children and parents can be a great way to prevent child abuse. After-school activities, parent education classes, mentoring programs, and respite care are a few preventative supports that can help families and children. Families can go to their local family support center for additional resources.
If you are concerned that a child may be experiencing abuse, please call ChildLine. The toll-free intake line, 1-800-932-0313, is available 24/7 to receive reports of suspected child abuse.
Information and Resources:
PA DHS Child Protective Services 2022 Annual Report
Child Welfare Information Gateway 2023/2024 Prevention Resource Guide
A Glimpse at the Child Welfare System: An Introduction to Child Protective Services
PA Family Support Alliance
Heather Wilkes, Allies for Children Policy Director